
About eHomemakers

eHomemakers (Corpcom Services Sdn. Bhd.) is a 17 year-old Malaysian non-profit social enterprise which has won several international awards, the most recent being the 2012 ISIF (Information Society Innovation Fund) Asia Awards. eHomemakers is involved in rural community development, promoting work life balance and providing support to all people working from home using ICT, especially the disadvantaged and rural women. Several projects have been carried out: An ‘Up-Skilling of Women’ project in Bario, Sarawak, a telework e-community, pro-poor ecobasket project, ICT application for non-profits, and a TV documentary about disadvantaged women as a media advocacy.

'Undying Flame' is the second film in the TV documentary series, “Portraits Of Perseverance” by eHomemakers, portraying strong women who overcome challenges and live successful, positive lives. The film tells Pong Seow Chin’s life story, spent on a makeshift wooden trolley for the past 26 years.